Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Long Weekend of Wonderful Quilting

It is now Tuesday evening and it has been a great "long" weekend of quilting. As I type this Vickie is at the machine finishing off the binding on Nancy's quilt. Sunday early afternoon I picked Vickie up at the airport.  She came to Indiana as part of a trip to Washington DC to a meeting and then on to visit her sister and family.  The objective for her visit was to finish Nancy's 60th birthday quilt. I had many of the "theme"star blocks done (some were featured on a previous blog back in March) and she had the small star blocks done.  We finished the theme blocks and got the top put together, complete with the wonderful colored border.
We generated a description for each of the blocks which we put into a powerpoint file with one slide for each of the theme blocks. We then printed out each of the powerpoint slides on a one page per sheet size using my new Epson printer.  It worked great for printing on fabric. These printed fabric blocks were then pieced to make the back of the quilt. Needless to say, we were busy - but we were very pleased with our efforts. 

Then Tuesday morning we got up and loaded it on the long arm and got it quilted. Here it is "in progress."

However the weekend of quilting started on Saturday when I quilted this pink and purple quilt. It is for the crayon challenge at Common Threads Quilt Guild. We take our completed projects to the guild meeting tomorrow evening (Wednesday) and then it will be given to charity.  I used a pantograph with feathers and swirls and was very pleased with how the purple thread showed up on the pink flannel on the back of the quilt.
Sunday morning I quilted this baby quilt for Brent and Angela Gloy's baby boy - who was born in early June. This was made from a panel that I bought when the Ladies Lunch group was in the Gulf Shores last August for our annual get-away.