Thursday, May 26, 2011


Purdue graduation ceremonies were held in the middle of May. As Chairperson of the Senate I led the procession for all 5 commencement ceremonies at the West Lafayette campus, carrying in the official Mace. Miriam Otoo, who worked with me doing research on the women kossai vendors in West Africa, received her Ph.D.  Here's Miriam and me right after the ceremony.

Here is the quilt that I gave to Miriam as she heads off for a position at the International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka
I used the pantograph "Snowbird" for the quilting - here you can see the pattern of the bird stitched in the quilting.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Striking pattern! So great to see the latest quilts.
    I have to say my favourite of all your quilts is the blue convergence with the black border.
    It looks like an open window. I keep going back to your blog to look at it.
