Saturday, June 14, 2014

Quilting really is about Sharing the Love

I got an email with attached photo this past week that reminded me once again how quilting is really about "Sharing the Love." In her email Ashley said that she had saved the quilts I sent for the children until they moved into the toddler bed and attached this picture of her son in the big bed.

That prompted me to go back and look up some pictures of his older sister with her quilts. I think this is so precious with her reading to her doll.

When I made the quilt for the new baby boy I remember thinking that a 2 year old little girl would not understand why this baby was getting all of the attention - so I took left over pieces of flannel and made a fun quilt for her - thinking that she could cuddle with it and have it to play with her dolls. From this picture it's clear that the quilt was a hit!

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