Sunday, October 30, 2011

I now have walls - and soon will have flooring

The drywalling is not quite complete. However, I sure can get the feel for how the space is going to be now that the walls are up. It is going to be great work space.

Here is the laundry room.
Here is the new quilt studio. This view is taken from the corner of the room and looking towards the family room. The garage is on the right and the new bathroom is just to the left of the opening.

 I am very excited about the recessed lights - this room is going to have great light.
The hardwood for the flooring is now sitting in the house - they way it should get acclimated to the place they are installing it before they do the installation. The flooring is to be done this week.

In the end I went with hardwood flooring for the family room as well.  I had gone back and forth between hardwood, cork - but settled on hardwood when it was determined that we could actually install hardwood in the family room.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weekly Udpate

Things continued to move along with respect to the renovations. Yesterday the plumbing guy was here. Here are pictures of the new laundry room.

I am getting very excited about the new bathroom.  Here are things ready for the toilet and sink:
I know the importance of that plumbing under the crawl space. However, what I am really getting excited about is my new sink, which came in this past week. Here is the sink. It looks much nicer without the plastic and styrofoam packing material.
Here is the glass shelf that is mounted right under the sink, which is all a wall mounted unit (nice a sleek to not take up too much space).
Here is the faucet - it is a waterfall type.
Progress has also been made on electrical work. I am looking forward to all of the light from these pot lights in my new quilt studio.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Update On Renovations

It's been a little over a week since the renovations stated and we are still making progress.  Yesterday, the family room needed to be cleared out. Of course that meant dealing with all of the cords that connect the stereo system and TV. Anna Lee (my grad student) came over to help me - and we took lots of pictures of which wire came out of which location.  If the pictures aren't enough when I go to put it all back together I'll have to get Don Lucyshyn to come back down here and set it up again - since he was the one who set it all up initially.
Once the TV and stereo were out of the way we took up the carpet- voila empty room! This room will have cork on the floor.
Now for an update in the other area. Here is the new 1/2 bath all framed in. By repositioning the bathroom and cutting it down to just the size needed for a 1/2 bath I am gaining a lot of extra space.
Here is what will be my new laundry room.  As you can see, the washer and dryer have been disconnected - so I experienced one of the externalities associated with getting renovations done - the laundromat! It wasn't too bad - but I sure will be pleased to get my laundry room functioning again!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 2 of Renovations

They removed the hardwood floor from the old quilt room. They will then lay new hardwood floor across the whole big room.

They did actually get started on construction today - they framed in the new wall between the garage and the house. Now I have a plastic wall between the house and the garage.


I left home Thursday morning with all of the walls in place and when I got home at 5:00 this is what I found. They say demolition goes the fastest - and that sure is true.
They have kept the washer and dryer in place - at least for now. I expect that before long I will be headed to the Laundromat - but for now it is nice to still have them. it is just completely open to the garage right now.

The wall between the garage and the house is getting adjusted. Previously there was an 18 inch jog in the wall, which made the garage very tight.  After the renovation the wall will be straightened out and it will be easier to open the car door in the garage.

Here is the view from standing in the laundry room area and looking towards what will be my new quilt studio - all of that space is going to be wonderful!

Here is the view from the old quilt room (where the long arm had its original home) towards the expanded space for the quilt studio.  the vertical window was in the study before.  It sure doesn't take them long to knock down some walls.

Preparing for Renovations - Part 2

Here's the pile of carpet, underlay and other garbage - waiting for the dumpster to arrive!
Here are a few photos of the "last look" at the rooms before demolition started.

Preparing for Renovations

Last week in preparing for my house renovations I had to get back in the corner of the closet of the study. I "found" 2 Macs - both the original chimney style.  The one was from 1984 - the very first version of the Mac that came out. The other was a Mac SE that I bought the fall that I started my Ph.D. program in Minnesota in 1987.  Here's a picture of the original Apple products I had along with the Apple products that I have today. Oh and by the way, I really do like the MacBook Air. It had been several years since I had used a Mac on a regular basis so it took me a bit to get my mind switched from the PC to the Mac world - but not very long.  I keep saying "things on the Mac are just so intuitive." All of the stories I have been hearing these past few days, tributes to Steve Jobs, are saying just what I have been saying.