Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weekly Udpate

Things continued to move along with respect to the renovations. Yesterday the plumbing guy was here. Here are pictures of the new laundry room.

I am getting very excited about the new bathroom.  Here are things ready for the toilet and sink:
I know the importance of that plumbing under the crawl space. However, what I am really getting excited about is my new sink, which came in this past week. Here is the sink. It looks much nicer without the plastic and styrofoam packing material.
Here is the glass shelf that is mounted right under the sink, which is all a wall mounted unit (nice a sleek to not take up too much space).
Here is the faucet - it is a waterfall type.
Progress has also been made on electrical work. I am looking forward to all of the light from these pot lights in my new quilt studio.

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