Friday, October 7, 2011

Preparing for Renovations

Last week in preparing for my house renovations I had to get back in the corner of the closet of the study. I "found" 2 Macs - both the original chimney style.  The one was from 1984 - the very first version of the Mac that came out. The other was a Mac SE that I bought the fall that I started my Ph.D. program in Minnesota in 1987.  Here's a picture of the original Apple products I had along with the Apple products that I have today. Oh and by the way, I really do like the MacBook Air. It had been several years since I had used a Mac on a regular basis so it took me a bit to get my mind switched from the PC to the Mac world - but not very long.  I keep saying "things on the Mac are just so intuitive." All of the stories I have been hearing these past few days, tributes to Steve Jobs, are saying just what I have been saying.

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